Saturday, April 26, 2008

Albany National League opens its 57th season

The Albany National League, the city's original Little League, opened its 57th season this morning with a parade and ceremony at the William Sullivan Major League Field off Partridge Street.

Two hundred and seventy-five children from ages 5 to 12 participate in the league's five divisions. After a week of gorgeous weather, the parade stepped off from Ontario Street behind a mounted police officer and city fire engine under somewhat overcast skies. But by the time the marchers came down Woodlawn, turned right onto Partridge and then made their way to the edge of the infield for the ceremony, the sun broke through.

National League president Anthony Fratianni welcomed the crowd, which included coaches, parents, siblings, grandparents, friends and the minor league ValleyCats' mascot, Southpaw.
Mayor Jerry Jennings threw out the first pitch to Trey Thomas, a 12-year-old catcher. Fourteenth Ward councilman Joe Igoe and city Parks and Recreation commissioner John D’Antonio threw out the second and third pitches.

Dante Thomas, age 10, Trey's brother, closed the ceremony with a rousing rendition of "God Bless America."

The league was founded in 1951 by Joe Leone.

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